A few words on massotherapy/bodywork
The Swedish massage takes place with a series of maneuvers aimed at working the muscles and the joints in order to tone them or release the tension held in them.
When we receive a massage, our nervous system becomes parasympathetic. Somewhat like sleeping, our bodies are on standby and subject to repair, to heal themselves. After a massage, we sometimes feel as we do after a long night of sleep. This is parasympathy. The relaxing effect associated with massage therapy.
In massage, the blood circulation is activated, our white blood cells “agitate” to clean and prevent infections.
It is the set of connective tissues including tendons and ligaments that supports the bones of the body. The fascia envelops each of the muscles and our thoracic and adbominopelvic organs. The fascia represents the continuity, the opposite of the rupture. For example, it is possible you receive a therapeutic touch on the back and you feel a warmth in the calf. Listening to what one feels is the key to optimal fasciatherapy.
In fasciatherapy, therapists put their hands on the person’s body to listen to the natural and extremely subtle movement of the fascia. Then, maneuvers will be practiced according to the restrictions and the vitality of the tissues. Very often, the maneuvers used quickly plunge the person into deep relaxation (para-sympathetic nervous system).
These maneuvers will fit well during a Swedish massage.
Yes. The fascia, the envelope that covers our musculoskeletal system possess a memory related to the emotions. It is possible that during a massage, we awaken an emotion linked to an event of the past, or an emotional injury. What if this happens? It is certainly possible to stop the massage, breathe, discuss it if necessary. We can decide to resume or stop the massage for the day. We can greet it and let it go, like a wave.
However, in general, the massage will have pleasant effects during and after. ☺ To avoid feeling soreness after a massage, tell me if the pressure is too strong and drink plenty of water rest of the day. Your muscles have been worked as they would have been during physical effort, just without the cardio.
Aromatic massage with essential oils (many other oils available on site)
No associated costs. However, you must indicate your choice when you make your appointment.
True Lavender
relaxation + soft, slow & enveloping massage
True Lavender essential oil is known to heal and regenerate the skin and is used to fight against skin infections such as acne, psoriasis, fungal infections. It is also used for its relaxing and soothing properties.
tonic & invigorating + deep energizing massage (N/A)
As effective against cellulite and water retention, this oil is also used to treat oily skin and to stop hair loss. Diffuse its vivifying fruity fragrance to bring optimism and good humour.
Tea tree
anti-fatigue (N/A)
Known as a major broad-spectrum antibacterial, tea tree essential oil is widely used in cases or O.R.L infections, oral or cutaneous and it is also works wonderfully to treat acne. As a toner, it also eliminates transient fatigue.
Ylang Ylang
A powerful and voluptuous fragrance, Ylang-Ylang essential oil is stimulating and invigorating. It is known to act against depression, stress and excitability. It is also known for bringing strengh and shine to hair and revitalizing skin.
Eucalyptus globulus
This refreshing oil is known for its multiple virtues on the respiratory system in diffusion and thorax massage. It is often used as an expectorant in the case of colds, sinusitis and bronchitis.
Other types of massage
Sandblasting & wrapping*
50$ (not available)
Sandblasting with sea salt + wrapping (cocoa, coconut or seaweed)
*allow 60 minutes for this treatment only or add 60 minutes to the massage.
Massage on chair
3h / 300$ +
available for group
Enjoy a relaxing massage without removing your clothes.
Chair massage offers great relaxation in just few minutes. Easy to move and install (requires no linen or oil) almost anywhere (corridor, living room office, outside, etc.)
Massage therapy or sporadic massages
Available for all pregnant person (trans men, trans masculine, non-binary, genderqueer, agender & gender non-conforming & cis queer women)
Sliding scale rates
60 minutes
80 @ 100$
A moment for yourself that feels good.
90 minutes
110 @ 130$
Treat yourself to maximum softness and comfort. You’re worth it.
Cancellation policy
If you need to cancel your appointment, please contact me as soon as possible. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice, a fee of 50% of the value of the massage booked will apply. The policy does not apply if you have a fever on the day of the massage or if you have a contagious disease.